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With advanced management concept, innovative business ideas and good after-sales service, the company has stable market share and high-end customer groups. Nowadays, with the continuous development of enterprises, the demand for talents is imminent. If you are a person with ideas, ability and courage to explore; If you are a person with vision, pursuit and innovation; Our platform will be your best stage, we promise that as long as you have confidence, no matter how ordinary the post will create extraordinary you!

Some job information is provided as follows:

Property Manager;

Project director and security team leader;

Kunshan pioneered the concierge post of Yuedu and Xiyuetang Ritual Sales Offices;

Security/cleaning posts in Suzhou, Kunshan, Wuxi, Taicang, Zhangjiagang, Shanghai and other regions;

Above qualifications:

Both men and women: 18 to 60 years old, healthy, hardworking, respectful, obedient to leaders, veterans or those with work experience are preferred!

The salary shall be negotiated based on the place of work.

Tel.: General Manager Zhang: 13773151871/Manager Chen: 15862653298

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